COSCO canceled the CENX flight of Air Canada Express! The last voyage ended on November 29
2022-12-01 240Recently, COSCOShipping collectionTransport will end a route "CENX" connecting China and Rupert Port in Canada.The route opened in October 2021 and will provideQingdao, Shanghai to Rupert Port, CanadaExpress flight.
The order of port of call for canceled routes is: Qingdao-Shanghai-Rupert-Qingdao
The Canadian direct service company, CENX, has deployed five Panamanian ships of about 4,500 TEU.The last "XIN YING KOU" with a Voyage of 4250TEU arrived in Rupert on November 29th, ending the last Voyage.After returning to Shanghai, the ship will fly from Transfer to another Canadian direct flight "CPNW" owned by COSCO, but there is currently one missing.
This one was taken by COSCOSea transportationThe Canadian route, named "CPNW", has a period of six weeks and involves six container ships of 4,050-10,060 TEU, all of which are provided by COSCO.The order of calling ports of "CPNW" route is: Hong Kong-Yantian-Ningbo-Shanghai-Rupert-Vancouver-Hong Kong.
CENX, which will be closed soon, is an independent service operated by COSCO.The "CPNW" service is jointly operated by alliance members.COSCO, CMA CGM, Evergreen and OOCL, named "CPNW", "TPX", "PE2" and "PNW4" respectively, will continue to provide services in Shanghai and Shandong.Connect directly to the port port.
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